HI Thank you for downloading my JEAN CLAUDE VAN DAMME theme. This is the first theme that I ever made so it is a bit crude. I decided to make one of Jean Claude because I couldn't find one on the net, beleave me I searched high and low and couldn't find one, so I made one. The hardest thing to figure out was the Background. I tried putting several images together but they wouldn't paste together so I had to go with single pictures. I've included an extra picture that you can place in your windows folder if you don't like the installed one. I've also included a Answering Machine message that I thought was cool. I copied the message from the John Stewert Show when Jean Claude appeared on it to promote TIMECOP. I've also included the Theme song to THE QUEST it is in MP3 format so you will need the final release of Microsoft Netshow to play it. This Theme is FREEWARE and only FREEWARE. Not to be distributed on any cd-rom or disk unless the cd-rom or disk is FREE. You may distribute this Theme to all your friend, family, etc as long it remains free and this README FILE is include and not modified in any way. If you like this Theme let me know that way I know if I should make more. If there is a specific theme you are looking for I could possibly make one you are intrested in. E-MAIL ME AT BrandonLee@bruce-lee.com Not to be distributed on AJ'S Desktop Themes unless free of charge not Requiring anybody to join and pay money to get it. Again thanks for Download My First Theme Enjoy. BrandonLee@bruce-lee.com